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Update versi baru:
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Virtual Graphic Card
Nama softwarenya : 3D-Analyze
3DAnalyze is a powerful application that allows to play many DirectX based games using video hardware officially unsupported and theoretically unable to run these; in this guide I'will show you how to install and configure 3D-Analyze main settings, depending on the title you want to play. First let me explain link among video cards generations and supported Microsoft DirectX versions. This point is crucial for us because changing DirectX versions also hardware compatibilty requests change. DirectX 5.0 and 6.0 Compliant Cards This category contains video cards made from 1995 to 1999. For example all 3dfx cards, most video cards from Intel, SiS and S3 Graphics. DirectX 7.0 Compliant Cards This category includes video cards made from 1999 to 2001. Main features of this generation are: hardware units for Transform and Lightning (T&L) computation, and Bump Mapping support. For example you can think to Radeon 7000, GeForce, GeForce 2, and GeForce 4 MX cards. DirectX 8.0 Compliant Cards This category contains graphics controllers made from 2001 to 2003: these have hardware support for pixel and vertex shader up to version 1.3. Ex. GeForce 3, and GeForce 4. DirectX 8.1 Compliant Cards This category includes some video cards, mainly by ATI, made from 2001 to 2003 and with hardware support for pixel and vertex shader up to version 1.4. For example Radeon 8500, Radeon 9000, Radeon 9150, Radeon 9250, and XGI volari v3 belong to this set. DirectX 9 Compliant Cards This category contains video cards made since 2003. Main features of this generation are: hardware units for pixel and vertex shader up to version 2.0. For example you can think to Radeon 9x00, Radeon Xx00, Radeon X1x00, GeForce 5x00, GeForce 6x00, GeForce 7x00, and XGI Volari V5/V8. |
bwt sample : gw mainin game The Matrix: Path of Neo (requires nVidia)
spek kompi gw :
Pentium 4 (2.4 GHz)
Onboard Graphics Card (Intel) with 64 MB graphics memory
Setelah pake software ini...menjadi
Pentium 4 (2.4 Ghz)
NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 Ultra with 128 MB graphics memory.
Pertama, Sedot dulu
sekarang pilih file .exe dari game itu...kalo gak tw..klik kanan dari icon di dekstop >> properties >> find target
dalem contoh ini, gw pilih chose Quake III Arena
setelah loaded
sekarang isi dibawahnya VendorID = 4318 dan DeviceID = 816 – artinya kita pake emulator NVIDIA GeForceFX 5900 Ultra graphics card.
Nah...sudah tinggal klik Save Batch File! and play the game
NB..perlu diperhatikan resolusi dekstop..sebelum terjadi crash
credit to : mjcoolz21
free software karaoke
Pripiw nya
nah simple free dan mudah Gan
dan ane ada tutor sederhananya gan
Penasaran dengan dengan Softwarenya langsung aja Dongdot Disini gan
Software Untuk Menghemat Baterai Laptop / Konsumsi Daya Pada PC
Pasti anda seringkali kesal ketika asik memainkan laptop/notebook, lalu tiba - tiba laptop anda muncul pesan Low Battery atau mati, sedangkan anda masih mengerjakan tugas kuliah, chatting, browsing, main game online, atau sedang mengerjakan sesuatu hal yang sangat penting.
LocalCooling merupakan software yang dapat membantu anda dalam kasus tersebut, karena software ini dapat menghemat energi baterai laptop sampai 20%. Dengan memakai software ini, selain dapat menghemat pemakaian baterai anda juga ikut berpartisipasi dalam melawan Global Warming. Dan itu merupakan tujuan diciptakannya software ini yaitu, "Fight Global Warming From Your Desktop"
Setelah anda instal, LocalCooling secara otomatis akan mengoptimalkan pemakaian energi didalam Laptop anda. Penggunaan software ini juga sangat mudah, pada tab general anda tinggal pilih power saving mode yang telah di tentukan, sebaiknya anda pilih yang high agar lebih terasa. Anda juga dapat mengeditnya sesuai dengan keinginan anda.
Dengan memakai LocalCooling secara tidak langsung anda telah mengurangi biaya tagihan listrik anda, dan yang paling penting mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca CO2 dari hasil mengurangi konsumsi daya pada PC anda.
LocalCooling tidak hanya dapat dipakai di laptop/notebook, tetapi dapat juga digunakan di PC, untuk menghemat konsumsi listrik dirumah anda.
Bagi anda yang ingin menghemat baterai dan juga menjaga bumi kita tetap hijau, software ini wajib anda coba, dan LocalCooling merupakan software yang bersifat FREEWARE jadi anda bebas memakainya dan menyebarluaskanya tanapa harus membayarnya.
Untuk mendownload LocalCooling Version 2, silakan anda klik link di bawah ini.
credait to : djdoniparaycity
Memory Optimizer
Added "Reset Window Positions" option to context menu.
Multiple GUI tweaks and fixes.
Fixed minor bug where the mini monitor wouldn't hold its startup position in some cases.
Program now remembers the screen position of the settings windows and others. The reset mini monitor position will also reset these windows as well.
Window positions are now saved under the Current User Reg keys. This has multiple benefits. If a person runs the mini monitor from a thumb drive and on multiple computers, the position will be saved on each computer instead of the ini file. This also lets different users on the same system have the monitor in different positions than the other users.
Fixed bug where the Page File information on the Memory Info Window didn't detect on Windows 7.
New Pro features:
Advanced Monitor Rules: (The user can set these rules for any process they like (Not on protected processes of course)).
Clean the memory on a specific process when it hits a user set memory level. (Example: Firefox hits 150MB) The mini monitor cleans the memory instead of calling CleanMem. One less program to run :-)
Kill a program if it hits a certain amount of memory.
Auto set process priority on a process.
Auto clean the system file cache when it reaches a set size.
Set how often the advanced monitor rules will run.
Auto run CleanMem when system hits a user specified % of memory used.
Great details on running processes.
Allow users to choose a picture (jpg, bmp, gif) for the mini monitor bar.
Allow user to choose what text shows on the mini monitor Example: Total memory, used memory, free memory, page file commit, file cache size, system uptime and more.
Show current file cache info.
Show extended memory usage stats.
Memory Optimizer yang sangat mudah digunakan. Ringan tapi powerfull. CleanMem aplikasi yang dirancang untuk menjadi sangat mudah dioperasikan karena akan berjalan dan membersihkan memori dari semua proses yang bisa dibersihkan, tanpa ada input apapun dari user.
CleanMem tidak bekerja seperti pembersih memori lain yang tidak melakukan apa-apa, hanya memporsir windows untuk membersihkan memori meskipun memory yang berguna. Trik lama ini kemudian menyebabkan sistem anda untuk lag waktu besar!.
CleanMem bekerja melalui schedule task,tidak bekerja di background. install dan buktikan bedanya
downloadnya disini aja bro :)
Computer speaker

Computer speakers, or multimedia speakers, are speakers external to a computer, that disable the lower fidelity built-in speaker. They often have a low-power internal amplifier. The standard audio connection is a 3.5 mm (approximately 1/8 inch) stereo jack plug often colour-coded lime green (following the PC 99 standard) for computer sound cards. A plug and socket for a two-wire (signal and ground) coaxial cable that is widely used to connect analog audio and video components. Also called a "phono connector," rows of RCA sockets are found on the backs of stereo amplifier and numerous A/V products. The prong is 1/8" thick by 5/16" long. A few use an RCA connector for input. There are also USB speakers which are powered from the 5 volts at 500 milliamps provided by the USB port, allowing about 2.5 watts of output power.

Computer speakers range widely in quality and in price. The computer speakers typically packaged with computer systems are small, plastic, and have mediocre sound quality. Some computer speakers have equalization features such as bass and treble controls.
The internal amplifiers require an external power source, usually an AC adapter. More sophisticated computer speakers can have a 'subwoofer' unit, to enhance bass output, and these units usually include the power amplifiers both for the bass speaker, and the small 'satellite' speakers.

Aplikasi untuk mempercepat koneksi internet Internet Cell Boost
Optimalkan Jaringan & koneksi internet dengan menerapkan berbagai tweak yang akan membantu Anda mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari paket langganan Anda & hardware.
Bekerja pada semua jenis koneksi termasuk DSL, Cable Modem, satelit, GPRS, UMTS, HSDPA, WiMax, Dial-Up, ISDN dan Jaringan tertutup.
Monitor koneksi Anda dengan built-in Monitoring System, yang khusus dirancang untuk membantu Anda memeriksa kinerja yang koneksi Anda saat ini mencapai.
Optimalkan koneksi Anda untuk kinerja puncak atau mengembalikan semuanya kembali ke default dengan sentuhan tombol.
minimum requirementnya adalah :
300 MHz CPU Speed
16 Megabytes of installed RAM
1.72 Megabytes free hard disk space
Internet / Network Connection
Compatible With: Windows® 2003 / XP (64-Bit Editions Supported)
yg berminat untuk mendownload silahkan anda download disini :)
Samsung NP-R780-JS02UK Notebook Review

The R780 notebook is made for life with the highest build standards and craftsmanship, it won't let you down. To reduce the risk of scratching the robust scratch-resistant Samsung durable casing is deigned to prevent finger marks and is more than capable of withstanding the everyday bumps and knocks associated with life on the move.
Product Description
Samsung NP-R780-JS02UK Notebook Core i3 Dual Core (i3-330M) 2.13GHz 4096MB (2x2048MB) 500GB 17.3 inch TFT DVD SuperMulti LAN WLAN BT Windows 7 Home Premium (GeForce GT 330M) (Red).
Technical Details :
- Intel Core i3 processor - delivering stunning graphics and revolutionary energy efficient performance
- Class leading performance - ergonomic and stylish design built to the highest quality standards and craftsmanship
- New 'Touch of Colour' design - premium lifestyle experience with an ultra-stylish design that stands out from the crowd
- Advanced Visual Performance - the latest NVIDIA graphics for exceptional video and gaming experiences
- Sleep-and-Charge USB - charge mobile devices regardless of whether the notebook is on or off
Category Toshiba Satellite
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Toshiba Satellite M55-S141 14" Laptop Review

The Basics :
- Hard Drive: The 60 GB Enhanced IDE hard drive is average in size when compared to other business-oriented notebook PCs, and is fine for storing business productivity applications, presentations, and a decent-sized digital library.
- Processor: The Intel Celeron M Processor 380 is designed specifically for mobile computing, offering a balanced level of mobile-optimized processor technology, good mobile performance, and exceptional value. The 1.6 GHz speed resides at the very top of the spectrum for this processor (as of October 2005). It also features a 400 MHz front-side bus (FSB) and large 1 MB L2 cache. (An L2, or secondary, cache temporarily stores data; and a larger L2 cache can help speed up your system's performance.)
- Memory: The 256 MB of built-in memory (1 x 256 MB, PC4200, DDR2 SDRAM) will get you started, but you'll want to add to the 2 GB maximum RAM capacity to take on today's demanding business productivity software suites and presentation applications.
- CD/DVD Drive: With the included DVD-ROM/CD-RW combo drive, you'll be able to watch DVD movies as well as burn data and your favorite music mixes to CD. It has 24x write, 10x rewrite, and 24x read speeds for CDs, and an 8x DVD read speed.
- Keyboard & Mouse: This notebook has a standard 85-key keyboard and electro-static two-button touchpad. It also offers a launch button for the Express CD/DVD media player and control buttons (play, stop, next, previous).
Screen, Graphics and Sound :
The M55-S141 has a 14-inch TruBrite TFT screen with a widescreen 1280 x 768-pixel resolution. Video is powered by the ATI Radeon XPress 200M IGP video/graphics card, which delivers good, though not high-end, 3D graphics. It delivers between 32 MB and 64 MB of dynamically allocated video RAM that's shared with the system RAM. ATI's HyperMemory technology allows the chipset to run in either Unified Memory Architecture (UMA) mode or with dedicated frame buffer memory to enhance graphics performance. It also features an integrated audio card with headphone and microphone jacks.
Connectivity and Expansion Slots :
The M55-S141 has an integrated Atheros 802.11b/g wireless-LAN that enables you to easily connect at wireless hotspots wherever you roam You get a fairly basic offering of connectivity options:
- 3 USB 2.0 ports for connecting a wide range of peripherals--from digital cameras to MP3 players
- 1 VGA monitor port
- 1 S-Video out
- 1 PCMCIA (or PC Card) slot (Type II, PCMCIA R2.01, PC Card16, CardBus)
- 1 headphone jack, 1 microphone jack
It also has an integrated 56K modem (V.90) and an RJ-45 LAN network port (for a 10/100 Gigabit Ethernet connection to networks and DSL/cable modems).
Preloaded System and Software :
This system comes with the Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 operating system with Advanced Security Technologies, which helps to reduce unwanted downloads and pop-ups while surfing the Web. It also comes preloaded with Microsoft Works, Microsoft Office OneNote 2003, McAfee AntiVirus, InterVideo WinDVD and WinDVD Creator, Sonic Solutions RecordNow.
Dimensions and Weight
This notebook measures 13.5 in x 9.5 in x 1.5 (WxDxH) and weighs 5.1 pounds.
Power :
It's powered by a 6-cell rechargeable lithium-ion battery, which has a battery life of up to 2 hours, 7 minutes (depending on usage). It has a 4-hour full charging time with the notebook off, and 12 hours with the computer active.
What's in the Box :
This package contains the M55-S141 notebook PC, rechargeable lithium-ion battery, AC adapter, and operating instructions. It is backed by a one-year limited hardware warranty.
Product Description :
Includes: lithium-ion battery, AC adapter, & Microsoft Windows XP Home. Toshiba Satellite M55-S141 Notebook Computer - At a price that's hard to beat, this laptop computer gives you all of the basics you need when you're computing on the go. An Intel Celeron M Processor 380 (1.6 GHz) and 256MB of DDR memory allows you to handle everything from business applications to multimedia programs. With built-in 802.11b/g Wi-Fi, when you're on the go you can easily stay connected to the world around you. Wirelessly access your e-mail and the Internet from any number of Wi-Fi Hot Spots, which can be found at airports, hotels, parks, coffee shops, and more! Native Resolution - 1280x768 ATI Radeon Xpress 200M graphics card with up to 64MB of shared video memory (memory is shared with the main system's RAM) 60GB 5400 RPM HDD CD-RW/DVD-ROM Combo Drive Built-in 56k Fax Modem Built-in Atheros 802.11b/g Wi-Fi Wireless LAN Support Battery Life - up to 2 hrs. & 7 min. Ports - RGB VGA Out, 1 Ethernet, 3 USB 2.0, S-Video Out, & Headphone Out Unit Dimensions - 13.5 x 9.53 x 1.5 Unit Weight - 5 lbs.
Technical Details :
- Notebook with 14-inch TruBrite display and 1.6 GHz Intel Celeron M 380 processor, 400 MHz FSB, 1 MB L2 cache
- 60 GB hard drive, 256 MB of RAM (2 GB max), combo drive
- Three USB 2.0, one VGA, one S-Video, one PCMCIA, microphone, headphone
- Built-in 10/100/ BASE-T Ethernet; 56K (V.90) modem, 54-Mbps wireless LAN (802.11b/g)
- Windows XP Home edition, SP2.
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HP Pavilion zd8060us Laptop Review

The Basics :
- Hard Drive: The 100 GB hard drive is one of the largest available in today's notebooks, enabling road warriors and multimedia enthusiasts more than enough capacity for storing documents, digital media files, and productivity software.
- Processor: The hyper-threaded 3.2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor allows a single CPU system to behave in some aspects like a dual-CPU system, helping to deliver faster transistors and increased performance. It also features a 1 MB L2 cache and a blazingly fast 800 MHz front-side bus speed, which measures how fast a processor and the main memory communicate. (An L2, or secondary, cache temporarily stores data; and a larger L2 cache can help speed up your system's performance.)
A Hyper-Threading processor helps a PC to run multiple demanding applications at the same time. This technology enables the processor to execute two threads (a part of a program) in parallel, boosting performance during key high-drain procedures. This results in more efficient software performance (such as faster reaction times in gaming applications) and enhanced multitasking.
- Memory: The 512 MB of installed RAM (2 x 256 MB, dual channel at 400 MHz) is a decent start, but you'll want to take advantage of the 2 GB capacity (2 x 1 GB) to fulfill this notebook's strong multimedia capabilities.
- CD/DVD Drive: The combo DVD+/-RW and CD-RW drive is compatible with a wide variety disc formats, including DVD+, DVD-, VCD, and SVCD discs. For DVD-RW discs, it has a 1x write/rewrite speed, while for DVD+RW discs it has a 2x write/rewrite speed (DVDs are read at 5x). For CDs, it has a 16x write/10x rewrite/40x read speed.
- Keyboard & Mouse: This notebook has a standard keyboard with scroll bar and integrated numeric keypad, and a touchpad with on/off button and dedicated vertical scroll up/down pad.
Screen, Graphics and Sound :
The ATI Radeon X300 SE is a high-end video card, powerful enough to run one large virtual screen across two displays. It features 128 MB of dedicated video RAM, S-Video and the higher-fidelity DVI connections out, and PCI Express x16 support, which enables graphics to process faster. It also features the integrated Intel High Definition audio chip (Azalia), featuring THX certification and 8 channels for full Dolby 5.1/6.1/7.2 surround sound with Dolby Pro Logic IIx.
Connectivity and Expansion Slots :
The zd8060us has an integrated 54g wireless LAN that's fully compatible with 802.11b/g wireless networks. The 125 HSM/SpeedBooster support will enable it to be ready for tomorrow's 125 Mbps wireless LANs. You get a good offering of connectivity options, including super-fast USB 2.0 and Firewire:
- 4 USB 2.0 ports for connecting a wide range of peripherals--from digital cameras to MP3 players
- 1 FireWire (also known as IEEE 1394 or i.Link) port for connecting digital video camcorders and other peripherals
- 1 VGA monitor port
- 1 S-Video out
- 1 parallel port
- 1 PCMCIA (or PC Card) slot (Type I/II, 32-bit)
- 6-in-1 memory card reader (compatible with Secure Digital, MultiMedia, Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, SmartMedia, and XD Picture Cards)
- 1 headphone jack and 1 microphone jack
It also has an integrated 56K modem (V.90) and an RJ-45 LAN network port (for a 10/100 Ethernet connection to networks and DSL/cable modems).
Preloaded System and Software :
The pre-installed Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 is essentially Windows XP Professional Edition with a variety of tools to help you to create, organize, and enjoy digital media ranging from music to home movies to photo slide shows. Additionally, it enables you to control your television with the included remote and record and pause programs (much like a DVR--or digital video recorder--such as Tivo or ReplayTV). With the 250 GB hard drive, you'll be able to record and store up to 180 hours of video programming. It's compatible with cable, digital cable, satellite TV and antenna inputs, and it includes an FM tuner.
The included HP Image Zone Plus photo and imaging software makes it easy to organize, edit, share, print, protect, and store your photos and video clips. Organize and find your photos easily by timeline, keywords, and/or location using the unique photo-globe mapping tool. Remove red eye and fix other common problems. Share your photos quickly via e-mails that include thumbnails with links to the full-sized images--without downloading time-consuming attachments.
Other preloaded software includes InterVideo WinDVD Creator and WinDVD SE player, Muvee autoProducer, Apple iTunes, Sonic RecordNow, Norton AntiVirus 2005, Microsoft Works 8.0, MSN Encarta Standard, Microsoft Money, and Quicken 2004 New User Edition.
Dimensions and Weight
At 9.4 pounds, the zd8060 isn't the most easily portable notebook. It measures 15.7 x 11.4e x 1.96 inches (L x W x H).
Power :
This notebook is powered by a 12-cell rechargeable lithium-ion battery, which offers an average of 3 hours of battery life (dependent upon computing conditions).
What's in the Box :
This package contains the zd8060 notebook PC, rechargeable lithium-ion battery, AC adapter, and operating instructions. It is backed by a one-year limited hardware warranty and 30-day free software support.
Product Description :
Includes: 12-cell lithium-ion battery, AC adapter, Norton AntiVirus 2005, Microsoft Works & Money, Sonic RecordNow, WinDVD, & more. hp Pavilion zd8060 Notebook PC - This media center notebook features the latest in computing, and digital entertainment technology. One amazing feature is the external hp Dual TV Tuner & PVR. Which lets you record up to 2 live TV programs at the same time, pause live TV, and record your favorite shows. It's controlled with an included remote control and Microsoft's special Media Center Edition 2005 operating system, which gives you an easy-to-use graphical interface that can be controlled from the comfort of a couch or bed. In addition, you can use Media Center Edition 2005 to organize and playback your digital music library, view slideshows of your digital photo album, and much more. ATI MOBILITY RADEON X600 with 128MB of DDR SDRAM 100GB 4200RPM HDD DVD Writer - supports DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, & CD-R/RW media 17 Widescreen High-Definition BrightView LCD Native Resolution - 1440 x 900 802.11g Wi-Fi Wireless Networking Adapter 6-in-1 integrated Digital Media Reader for Secure Digital, MultiMedia, Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, SmartMedia, or xD Picture Cards 56k Fax Modem 16-bit Sound Blaster Pro-compatible audio with internal Harman/Kardon speakers 1 Type I/II PC Card Slot (32-bit card bus) 1 ExpressCard/54 Slot (also supports Express Card/34) Ports - 10/100 Ethernet, 4 USB 2.0, 1 FireWire, 1 VGA Out, 1 S-Video Out, 1 Expansion Port 2 Connector, 1 Headphone Out, & 1 Microphone In Kensington MicroSaver Lock Slot.
- Intel Pentium 4 Processor 540 (3.2 GHz) with HT Technology
- 1MB L2 Cache
- 800MHz FSB
- 512MB of DDR2 400MHz Dual Channel SDRAM (expandable to 2GB)
- 2 RAM Slots (occupied)
HP Special Edition L2005US 14
HP Pavilion DV1680US 14" Laptop Review
HP Pavilion dv4410us Notebook PC
HP Pavilion HDX 16t Laptops Specs
HP Pavilion dv6-1152tx Laptops Review
HP Mini 110-3135dx "Mini Laptop Review"
HP Elitebook 8440p Laptop Offers
Sony VAIO VGN-SZ230P/B 13.3" Laptop Review

Technical Details:
- Sleekly designed, lightweight notebook with 13.3-inch screen; powerful 1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo processor T2400 (667 MHz FSB, 2 MB L2 cache)
- 120 GB Serial ATA hard drive, 1 GB RAM (2 GB max), multi-format/dual-layer DVD+/-RW drive, multi-format memory card adapter
- Two USB 2.0, one FireWire, one PCMICIA, one VGA, Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN), tri-mode 802.11a/b/g wireless LAN, Bluetooth, Ethernet, modem
- Hybrid Graphics System lets toggle between NVidia GeForce Go 7400 (128 MB dedicated) and Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950 (128 MB shared)
- Windows XP Professional edition (SP2), biometric fingerprint scanning, integrated camera
New Laptops Sony Vaio Z14
New Sony's VAIO PC PictureBook C1VN
Sony VAIO C1MV Picturebook Versi Crusoe TM5800
Sony VAIO PCG-U1 Crusoe Ultra Notebook
Sony VAIO PCG-R505GL Laptop Review
HP Pavilion DV1680US 14" Laptop Review (Intel Core Duo Processor T2400 "Centrino")

It's powered by Intel's new, groundbreaking processor--the powerful Core Duo T2400--which provides an optimized, multithreaded architecture for improved gaming and multitasking performance and a more efficient power consumption. The dual execution core T2400 has a 1.83 GHz processor speed and 2 MB L2 cache. Other hardware features include 512 MB of installed memory (2 GB maximum), tri-mode wi-fi connectivity (802.11a/b/g), Bluetooth wireless connectivity, multi-format/dual-layer DVD drive (which can also burn CDs) with LightScribe functionality, and Windows XP Home Edition (SP2).
The Basics :
- Hard Drive: The 100 GB hard drive is above average in size for notebook PCs, and it's roomy enough to store business productivity applications, all your important documents and presentations, and a good-sized digital audio and video library. This drive also offers a very fast 5400 RPM speed--at the top of its class in notebooks and great for responsive multimedia play.
- Processor: The Intel Core Duo T2400 processor is built with the Mobile Intel 945PM Express chipset, and it has a 1.83 GHz processor speed, super-fast 667 MHz front-side bus (FSB), and large 2 MB L2 cache. (An L2, or secondary, cache temporarily stores data; and a larger L2 cache can help speed up your system's performance. The FSB carries data between the CPU and RAM, and a faster front-side bus will deliver better overall performance.)
- Memory: The 1 GB of built-in memory (2 x 512 MB, PC4200, DDR2 SDRAM) is a very good start right out of the box for power users, and it offers a very fast 533 MHz speed. But you'll want to take advantage of the 2 GB capacity for working with today's demanding business productivity applications.
- CD/DVD Drive: Offering the latest in DVD writing technology, the dv1680's multiformat DVD/CD drive is compatible with writing both DVD+ and DVD- disc formats as well as dual-layer (DL) DVD+/-R discs, which can store up to 8.5 GB of data. It features 4x DVD-R DL Write Once, 2.4x DVD+R DL Write Once, 8x DVD+R, 4x DVD+RW, 8x DVD-R, 4x DVD-RW, 16x DVD-ROM, 40x CD-R, 24x CD-RW, and 40x CD-ROM speeds. It also comes with a second DVD-ROM optical drive, with 16x read speed. It also comes with an extra DVD-ROM drive for disc playback only.
This LightScribe DVD+/-RW drive lets you laser-etch silkscreen quality text and images on to CDs and DVDs . Your software, PC and discs work together for a no-hassle way to burn just the labels you want. After you burn content, just flip the disc over, reinsert and burn your label--anything from a simple title to a full-disc work of art.
- Keyboard & Mouse: This notebook has a 101-key keyboard and a touchpad with on/off button and dedicated vertical/horizontal Scroll Up/Down pad. It also includes two quick-launch buttons (HP QuickPlay Music and DVD).
Screen, Graphics and Sound :
While this notebook is actually as wide as standard 15-inch displays, the high-definition, widescreen 14-inch display (1280 x 768-pixel resolution) has the same form factor as a 12-inch screen--taking up less space on your desk. Video is powered by the Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950, which uses Intel Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) and provides 128 MB of shared video memory. The integrated audio card (Realtek ALC250) provides 16-bit stereo sound via the built-in stereo Altec Lansing speakers.
Connectivity and Expansion Slots :
The dv1680us features an integrated PRO/Wireless 3945ABG wireless LAN that's compatible with 802.11b/g networks (commonly found in home routers and wi-fi hotspots) as well as 802.11a networks (which has a higher throughput, but more limited range--great for closed office environments). With the Bluetooth wireless connectivity, you can synchronize and transfer files between the PC and peripherals such as cell phones and PDAs. You get a very good offering of connectivity options, which includes both super-fast USB 2.0 and FireWire:
- 3 USB 2.0 ports for connecting a wide range of peripherals--from digital cameras to MP3 players
- 1 FireWire (also known as IEEE 1394 or i.Link) port for connecting digital video camcorders and other peripherals
- 1 VGA monitor port
- 1 S-Video port for connecting to a TV
- 1 ExpressCard/54 slot (also supports ExpressCard/34)
- 1 headphone jack and 1 microphone jack
- 1 Expansion Port 2 connector
- 1 IR receiver
Preloaded System and Software :
This system comes with the Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 operating system with Advanced Security Technologies, which helps to reduce unwanted downloads and pop-ups while surfing the Web. It also comes preloaded with Microsoft Works 8.0 (for working with word processing and spreadsheet documents), HP Image Zone Plus, Symantec Norton Internet Security 2005 AntiSpyware Edition (with 60 days of LiveUpdate), Encarta Encyclopedia 2005, Quicken New User Edition 2005, Microsoft Money 2005, Sonic DigitalMedia Plus, Sonic MyDVD Plus, Muvee AutoProducer, and PC Recovery.
The included HP Image Zone Plus photo and imaging software makes it easy to organize, edit, share, print, protect, and store your photos and video clips. Organize and find your photos easily by timeline, keywords, and/or location using the unique photo-globe mapping tool. Remove red eye and fix other common problems. Share your photos quickly via e-mails that include thumbnails with links to the full-sized images--without downloading time-consuming attachments.
Dimensions and Weight
This notebook PC measures 13.15 x 9.24 x 1.52 inches and weighs 5.33 pounds.
Power :
It's powered by a 6-cell rechargeable lithium-ion battery, which has a battery life of up to 3 hours (depending on usage). You'll get up to 8 hours of battery life with the optional 12-cell lithium-ion battery.
What's in the Box :
This package contains the dv1680us notebook PC, rechargeable lithium-ion battery, AC adapter, IR remote control, earphones, and operating instructions. It is backed by a limited warranty for parts and labor for one year from date of purchase as well as technical telephone assistance for one year. Software is also covered for 90 days from date of purchase.
Product Description :
Included Accesories: HP Pavilion dv1680us Notebook PC; HP mobile remote control; Mobile stereo Earbud headphones (1 pair); 65W AC adapter; 6-Cell Lithium-Ion battery
HP dv1680us Pavilion Notebook PC was designed for your life and to extend its reach beyond limits. It delivers portable digital entertainment and powerful computing -- all in a slim, sleek design that's lightweight for your mobility. View everything clearly on the integrated 14" BrightView WXGA high-definition widescreen display. Breakthrough mobile performance combines with increased connectivity, to give you superb digital entertainment. Enjoy real-time conferences and conversations with the HP Pavilion dv1680us Notebook, which features a Webcam with integrated microphone. It also captures still photos and video clips, which you can then e-mail right away. Plus you get all the other HP laptop essentials, including plenty of processor power, a spacious hard drive, and a double-layer media drive. Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 900 (up to 128MB) 14 WXGA High-Definition BrightView Widescreen Display (1280 x 768) HP Pavilion Webcam with integrated microphone LightScribe 8x DVD+/-RW and CD-RW Combo Drive with Double Layer support Integrated 10/100 Base-T integrated Ethernet LAN Intel PRO/Wireless 2200 802.11BG LAN 6-in-1 Digital Media Reader for SD & MMC, Memory Stick & Memory Stick PRO, SmartMedia and xD-Picture Cards Altec Lansing speakers High-speed 56K modem 1 PC-ExpressCard Slot External Ports - 3 USB 2.0 ports, 1 VGA (15-pin), 1 RJ-11 (modem), 1 RJ-45 (LAN), 1 FireWire (4-pin), 1 Consumer IR, 1 microphone in, 1 Expansion Port 2 Software Included - Norton Internet Security 2006, HP TotalCare, Adobe Acrobat Reader, PC Recovery, Microsoft Works, Money, MSN Encarta Plus, Office 2003 Student Teacher Edition (60-day trial), Sonic Digital Media Plus, HP Games, Muvee AutoProducer, Windows Movie Maker & Media Play
Technical Details
- Notebook PC with widescreen 14-inch LCD and 1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo T2400 with 2 MB L2 cache
- 100 GB hard drive, 1 GB of RAM (2 GB max), multi-format/dual-layer Light scribe DVD/CD burner
- Three USB 2.0, one FireWire, one VGA, one S-Video, one PCMCIA, microphone, headphone
- 10/100 Ethernet; 56K (V.90) modem; tri-mode 802.11a/b/g wireless connectivity; Bluetooth
- Windows XP Home edition, SP2; HP Image Zone Plus
HP Special Edition L2005US 14
HP Pavilion dv4410us Notebook PC
HP Pavilion HDX 16t Laptops Specs
HP Pavilion dv6-1152tx Laptops Review
HP Mini 110-3135dx "Mini Laptop Review"
HP Elitebook 8440p Laptop Offers
HP Special Edition L2005US 14" Laptop Review

The HP L2005US features AMD Turion 64 ML-30 Mobile Technology, which will handle all you can throw at it today and will be ready for the coming onslaught of applications that will take advantage of 64-bit processing technology. Supremely mobile, it weighs just over 5 pounds and has a BrightView 14-inch display--which provides improved viewing in direct sunlight. Other features include an 80 GB hard drive, 512 MB of installed RAM (2 GB maximum), dual-layer, multiformat DVD writer, built-in 54g wireless connectivity with 125HSM SpeedBooster, 128 MB of shared video RAM, and Windows XP Professional.
In addition to the $50 that the LAF will receive from each notebook, AMD and HP plan to donate notebooks for use in LAF-funded cancer survivorship centers throughout the United States. In addition, the two companies are inviting you to join them in the support of the Lance Armstrong Foundation by matching or exceeding the $50 per unit for the LAF.
AMD Turion 64 Mobile Technology :
Combining strong performance with efficient usa ge of power, the 1.6 GHz AMD Turion 64 ML-30 is uniquely optimized to power today's thinnest notebooks. It's also built for tomorrow's 64-bit applications, which will require a processor with significant power. It includes such AMD technology features as HyperTransport (which increases the communication between integrated circuits), PowerNow! (which enables longer battery life and reduced heat generation), and Enhanced Virus Protection (which works with Windows XP Service Pack 2 to better withstand attacks from certain classes of viruses). It also features a 1 MB L2 cache. (An L2, or secondary, cache temporarily stores data; and a larger L2 cache can help speed up your system's performance.)
The Basics :
- * Hard Drive: The 80 GB hard drive (5400 RPM) is a bit above average in size for notebook PCs, and its capacity is a welcome size for road warriors.
- * Memory: The 512 MB of built-in memory (2 x 256 MB, PC2700, DDR SDRAM) is a good start for power users. It has two memory slots in total, with a maximum memory expansion up to 2 GB (2 x 1024 MB).
- * CD/DVD Drive: Offering the latest in DVD writing technology, the L2005US multiformat DVD/CD drive is compatible with both DVD+ and DVD- disc formats as well as dual-layer DVD+R discs, which can store up to 8.5 GB of data. You can also burn your favorite music mixes to CD.
- * Keyboard & Mouse: This notebook has a 101-key keyboard and a touchpad with on/off button and dedicated vertical/horizontal Scroll Up/Down pad.
Screen, Graphics and Sound :
While the L2005US's screen is actually as wide as standard 15-inch displays, the high-definition, widescreen 14-inch display (1280 x 768-pixel resolution) has the same form factor as a 12-inch screen--taking up less space on your desk. Even more impressive, its high resolution provides 25% more information than standard 15-inch XGA displays. This BrightView screen also provides a 20 percent brighter screen for better definition and 33 percent wider viewing angle for more accurate, off-center viewing. Video is powered by the ATI Radeon XPress 200M IGP video/graphics card, which delivers good, though not high-end, 3D graphics. It has 128 MB of shared video RAM, which uses the notebook's main memory. It also features 16-bit Sound Blaster Pro-compatible audio and internal speakers.
Connectivity and Expansion Slots :
The L2005US has an integrated 54g wireless LAN that's fully compatible with 802.11b/g wireless networks. The 125 HSM/SpeedBooster support will enable it to be ready for tomorrow's 125 Mbps wireless LANs. You get a decent offering of connectivity options, which does include super-fast USB 2.0 and Firewire:
- 3 USB 2.0 ports for connecting a wide range of peripherals--from digital cameras to MP3 players
- 1 FireWire (also known as IEEE 1394 or i.Link) port for connecting digital video camcorders and other peripherals
- 1 VGA monitor port
- 1 S-Video port for connecting to a TV
- 1 PCMCIA (or PC Card) slot (Type I/II, 32-bit)
- 1 headphone jack and 1 microphone jack
- 1 Expansion Port 2 connector
- 6-in-1 Digital Media Reader for Secure Digital cards, MultiMedia cards, Memory Sticks, Memory Stick Pro, SmartMedia, and XD Picture Cards
It also has an integrated 56K modem (V.90) and an RJ-45 LAN network port (for a 10/100 Ethernet connection to networks and DSL/cable modems).
Preloaded System and Software :
This system comes with the Windows XP Professional Edition (which adds Microsoft's IIS Web server, back-up and recovery utilities, Remote Desktop, and other enhanced business features) with Service Pack 2 featuring Advanced Security Technologies, which helps to reduce unwanted downloads and pop-ups while surfing the Web. Other preloaded software includes Sonic Digital Media Studio, InterVideo WinDVD Player, Microsoft, Apple iTunes and Apple iTunes Music Store, Adobe PhotoShop Album, Muvee AutoProducer DVD Edition with Burning, Microsoft Works, Microsoft Money, Microsoft MSN Encarta Plus, and Microsoft Office 2003 Student and Teacher Edition (60 day trial version).
Dimensions and Weight :
Nice and light, this notebook weighs just 5.33 pounds and measures 13.15 x 9.1 x 1.29 inches.
Power :
It's powered by a 6-cell rechargeable lithium-ion battery, which has a battery life of up to 3 hours (depending on usage).
What's in the Box :
This package contains the L2005US notebook PC, rechargeable lithium-ion battery, AC adapter, printed operating instructions, zippered bag, yellow earbud headphones, and yellow LIVESTRONG wristband. LIVESTRONG wristbands represent unity in the battle against cancer and hope for all those who are living with cancer. It is backed by a one-year limited hardware warranty, 1-year free technical support, and 30-day free software support.
Product Description :
Information technology professionals rely on HP quality to ensure maximum productivity. As the power of applications, processors, memory adapters and storage devices increases, high-end computer users are seeking ways to optimize their system performance. HP provides leading solutions, adding new levels of performance, availability, flexibility, and management.
HP Pavilion dv4410us Notebook PC
HP Pavilion HDX 16t Laptops Specs
HP Pavilion dv6-1152tx Laptops Review
HP Mini 110-3135dx "Mini Laptop Review"
HP Elitebook 8440p Laptop Offers
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- Sony Vaio VPC Z116GG
Toshiba Satellite R25-S3513 14.1" Widescreen Notebook PC With Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T5200

The R25-S3513 is the first Toshiba Tablet PC powered by Intel's powerful Core 2 Duo processor, which offers a 20 percent performance boost over its predecessor while using 28 percent less power--so you get the benefit of a powerful dual-core PC plus all the benefits of mobility. The dual-execution core T5200 Core 2 Duo processor provides an optimized, multithreaded architecture for improved gaming and multitasking performance, and it features a 1.6 GHz speed, fast 533 MHz system bus, and large 2 MB L2 cache. Other features include a 100 GB hard drive, 1 GB of installed RAM (2 GB maximum), a DVD SuperMulti Double Layer drive that reads and writes in up to 11 formats, tri-mode Wi-Fi LAN (802.11a/b/g), a multi-format memory card reader, battery life up to 4 hours, and Microsoft XP Tablet edition operating system. This is a Windows Vista capable PC, and it's also Windows Vista Premium ready.
The Basics :
- Hard Drive: The 100 GB hard drive (5400 RPM) is a bit above average in size for notebook PCs. It offers more than enough capacity for storing documents and productivity software for road warriors. You'll also be able to store a good-sized digital audio library. This Serial ATA (SATA) hard drive also quickens the pace with a higher speed transfer of data--akin to FireWire and USB 2.0.
- Processor: The Intel Core 2 Duo T5200 processor has a 1.6 GHz processor speed, fast 533 MHz front-side bus (FSB), and large 2 MB L2 cache. (An L2, or secondary, cache temporarily stores data; and a larger L2 cache can help speed up your system's performance. The FSB carries data between the CPU and RAM, and a faster front-side bus will deliver better overall performance.)
The Intel Core 2 Duo processor has two computational execution cores in a single processor, providing greater system response when running multi-threaded applications simultaneously with no significant increase in power consumption. It's optimized for multitasking and is ready to support the Microsoft Windows Vista operating system. It can simultaneously run multiple demanding applications--such as graphics-intensive games or serious number-crunching business productivity applications--while downloading music or running virus-scanning security programs in the background. Some of the advanced Intel innovations of the Core 2 Duo processor include:
- Smart Memory Access: Improves system performance by hiding memory latency, thus optimizing the use of available computer data bandwidth to provide data to the processor when and where it is needed.
- Advanced Digital Media Boost: Effectively doubles the execution speed for instructions used widely in multimedia and graphics applications.
- Dynamic Power Coordination: Coordinates Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology and idle power-management state (C-states) transitions independently per core to help save power.
- Deeper Sleep with Dynamic Cache Sizing: Saves power by flushing cache data to system memory during periods of inactivity to lower CPU voltage.
- Memory: The 1 GB of built-in memory (PC4200, DDR2 SDRAM, 2 x 512 MB) is good start for power users, and it offers excellent 533 MHz speed. It has two memory slots, enabling you to add a maximum of 2 GB to handle immersive 3-D video games, video editing, and graphics-intensive presentations. Also, to receive the benefits of the dual-channel DDR2 RAM, any RAM additions require memory modules of same capacity and clockspeed.
- CD/DVD Drive:The double-layer DVD drive is compatible with a wide range of formats, including both DVD+RW and DVD-RW discs, CD-RW discs, and dual-layer (DL) DVD+/-R discs, which can hold up to 8.5 GB of data--great for backing up your MP3 collection or your most important documents. It features the following speeds: 2.4x DVD+R DL, 2x DVD-R DL, 8x for both single-layer DVD+R/-R, 4x DVD+RW, 4x DVD-RW, 3x DVD-RAM, and 24x/10x for CD-R/RW. It reads DVD-ROM discs at 8x and CD-ROMs at 24x.
- Keyboard & Mouse: This notebook has a standard 84-key keyboard and electro-static two-button touchpad. It also offers a launch button for the Express CD/DVD media player and control buttons (play, stop, next, previous).
Screen, Graphics and Sound :
The R25-S3503 has a 14.1-inch TFT display with a resolution of 1440 x 900 pixels. Video is powered by the Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950, which uses Intel Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) and provides up to 128 MB of shared video memory. It offers both VGA and S-Video output connections for connecting to monitors and TVs. You'll enjoy crisp sound via the built-in stereo speakers, which can produce immersive SRS TruSurround XT virtual surround sound with SRS WOW sound enhancement.
Connectivity and Expansion Slots :
This notebook has an integrated tri-mode Intel 3945ABG wireless LAN, which is compatible with 802.11b/g networks (commonly found in home routers and Wi-Fi hotspots) as well as 802.11a networks (which has a higher throughput, but more limited range--great for closed office environments). You get a good offering of connectivity options:
- 4 USB 2.0 ports for connecting a wide range of peripherals--from digital cameras to MP3 players
- 1 FireWire (also known as IEEE 1394 or i.Link) port for connecting digital video camcorders and other peripherals
- 1 VGA monitor port
- 1 S-Video out
- 1 PCMCIA (or PC Card) slot (Type II, PCMCIA R2.01, PC Card16, CardBus)
- 5-in-1 memory card reader (Secure Digital, MultiMedia, Memory Stick, Memory Stick PRO, xD Picture Card)
- 1 headphone jack, 1 microphone jack
Preloaded System and Software :
This system comes with the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 operating system with Service Pack 2 featuring Advanced Security Technologies, which helps to reduce unwanted downloads and pop-ups while surfing the Web. Other pre-loaded software includes Microsoft Works 8.5, Microsoft Office OneNote 2003, Intervideo WinDVD 5 and WinDVD Creator 2, Sonic Solutions RecordNow, and McAfee VirusScan (with 30-day trial).
Dimensions and Weight
Perfect for portability, this notebook weighs 6 pounds and measures 13.7 x 10.2 x 1.6 inches (WxDxH).
Power :
It's powered by a 6-cell rechargeable lithium-ion battery (4700 mAh), which has a battery life of up to 4 hours (depending on usage). It has a recharge time of approximately 3 hours.
What's in the Box :
This package contains the R25-S3513 convertible notebook PC, rechargeable lithium-ion battery, AC adapter, and operating instructions. It is backed by a one-year limited hardware warranty.
Product Description :
With the Intel Centrino Duo Mobile Technology featuring the Intel Core Duo Processor and the World's First 14.1-inch WXGA+ 1440x900 swivel display with tablet support, you get the power of a desktop PC without the weight. View the ample-sized 14.1-inch WXGA+ swivel screen in a way that's more like the way you normally read books and watch TV. The Intel Core 2 Duo T5200 processor, super-fast 5400rpm 100GB Serial ATA hard drive and advanced DDR2 memory deliver ultra high-speed computing. Toshiba's new LifeSmart Technology features HDD shock absorption, a spill resistant keyboard, and a durable chassis to help protect the internal components of the computer from bumps and drops. The Microsoft Windows XP Tablet Edition 2005 operating system combines all of the power, function and security of XP Professional with extra features for pen-based computing. Tablet Edition 2005 makes the pen a natural and useful tool for your everyday tasks. This notebook is ready for the Vista Premium operating system, the next generation of Microsoft Windows. 100GB 5400rpm Hard Drive DVD-SuperMulti Double Layer Optical Drive - 24x CD-ROM, 24x CD-R, 10x CD-RW, 8x DVD-ROM, 8x DVD-R Single Layer, 2x DVD-R Double Layer, 4x DVD-RW, 8x DVD+R Single Layer, 2.4x DVD+R Double Layer, 4x DVD+RW and 3x DVD-RAM Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG (802.11a/b/g) Wireless LAN Finger Print Reader, Password Security, Security Cable Lock Slot and Hot Key Security 100/100 RJ-45 LAN port RJ-11 modem port AC Adapter - 75W (15V 5.0A) Auto-sensing, 100-240V / 50-60Hz input Battery Type - Li-Ion (6-cell, 4700mAh) Battery Life - Up to 3.97 hours PC Card Slots - 1-Type II PC Card Slot Media Port - 5-in-1 Bridge Media Adapter 4x USB 2.0 Slots, i.LINK IEEE-1394, S-Video TV-out Windows XP Tablet Edition 2005 Operating System Dimensions - Width 4.93 x Depth 2.68 x Height 0.80 inch, 125.1mm x 68.1mm x 20.4mm Weight - 5.95 pounds
Technical Details:
- Tablet PC with 14.1-inch screen; 1.6 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo T5200 processor
- 100 GB hard drive, 1 GB of RAM (2 GB max), dual-layer/multi-format DVD burner
- Four USB 2.0, one FireWire, one VGA, one S-Video, 5-in-1 memory card slot, one PCMCIA
- Built-in tri-mode wireless connectivity (802.11a/b/g), 10/100 Ethernet, 56K modem
- Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005--Windows Vista capable and Windows Vista Premium ready.
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HP Pavilion dv4410us Notebook PC

The Basics :
- Hard Drive: The 80 GB hard drive (4200 RPM) is becoming average in size for notebook PCs, and it's roomy enough to store business productivity applications, all your important documents and presentations, and a good-sized digital audio and video library.
- Processor: The Intel Celeron M Processor 380 is designed specifically for mobile computing, offering a balanced level of mobile-optimized processor technology, good mobile performance, and exceptional value. The 1.6 GHz speed resides at the very top of the spectrum for this processor (as of October 2005). It also features a 400 MHz front-side bus (FSB) and large 1 MB L2 cache. (An L2, or secondary, cache temporarily stores data; and a larger L2 cache can help speed up your system's performance.)
- Memory: The 512 MB of built-in memory (2 x 256 MB, PC4200, DDR2 SDRAM) is a decent start for power users, and it offers a very fast 533 MHz speed. But you'll want to take advantage of the 2 GB capacity for working with today's demanding business productivity applications.
- CD/DVD Drive: Offering the latest in DVD writing technology, the dv4410's multiformat DVD/CD drive is compatible with writing both DVD+ and DVD- disc formats as well as dual-layer (DL) DVD+/-R discs, which can store up to 8.5 GB of data. It features 4x DVD-R DL Write Once, 2.4x DVD+R DL Write Once, 8x DVD+R, 4x DVD+RW, 8x DVD-R, 4x DVD-RW, 16x DVD-ROM, 40x CD-R, 24x CD-RW, and 40x CD-ROM speeds. It also comes with a second DVD-ROM optical drive, with 16x read speed. It also comes with an extra DVD-ROM drive for disc playback only.
- Keyboard & Mouse: This notebook has a 101-key keyboard and a touchpad with on/off button and dedicated vertical/horizontal Scroll Up/Down pad. It also includes two quick-launch buttons (HP QuickPlay Music and DVD).
Screen, Graphics and Sound :
While this notebook is actually as wide as standard 15.4-inch displays, the high-definition, widescreen 14-inch display (1280 x 768-pixel resolution) has the same form factor as a 12-inch screen--taking up less space on your desk. Video is powered by the Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 900, which uses Intel Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) and provides up to 128 MB of shared video memory. The integrated audio card (Realtek ALC250) provides 16-bit stereo sound via the built-in stereo speakers.
Connectivity and Expansion Slots :
The dv4410us has an integrated 54g wireless LAN that's fully compatible with 802.11b/g wireless networks. The 125 HSM/SpeedBooster support will enable it to be ready for tomorrow's 125 Mbps wireless LANs. You get a very good offering of connectivity options, which does include super-fast USB 2.0 and FireWire:
- 4 USB 2.0 ports for connecting a wide range of peripherals--from digital cameras to MP3 players
- 1 FireWire (also known as IEEE 1394 or i.Link) port for connecting digital video camcorders and other peripherals
- 1 VGA monitor port
- 1 S-Video port for connecting to a TV
- 1 PCMCIA (or PC Card) slot (Type I/II, 32-bit)
- 1 ExpressCard/54 slot (also supports ExpressCard/34)
- 1 headphone jack
- 1 microphone jack
- 1 Expansion Port 2 connector
- 1 IR receiver
Preloaded System and Software :
This system comes with the Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 operating system with Advanced Security Technologies, which helps to reduce unwanted downloads and pop-ups while surfing the Web. It also comes preloaded with Microsoft Works 8.0 (for working with word processing and spreadsheet documents), HP Image Zone Plus, Symantec Norton Internet Security 2005 AntiSpyware Edition (with 60 days of LiveUpdate), Encarta Encyclopedia 2005, Quicken New User Edition 2005, Microsoft Money 2005, Sonic DigitalMedia Plus, Sonic MyDVD Plus, Muvee AutoProducer, and PC Recovery.
The included HP Image Zone Plus photo and imaging software makes it easy to organize, edit, share, print, protect, and store your photos and video clips. Organize and find your photos easily by timeline, keywords, and/or location using the unique photo-globe mapping tool. Remove red eye and fix other common problems. Share your photos quickly via e-mails that include thumbnails with links to the full-sized images--without downloading time-consuming attachments.
Dimensions and Weight
This notebook measures 14.1 x 10.15 x 1.67 inches and weighs 6.5 pounds.
Power :
It's powered by a 6-cell rechargeable lithium-ion battery, which has a battery life of up to 3 hours (depending on usage). You'll get up to 8 hours of battery life with the optional 12-cell lithium-ion battery.
What's in the Box :
This package contains the dv4410us notebook PC, rechargeable lithium-ion battery, AC adapter, IR remote control, earphones, and operating instructions. It is backed by a limited warranty for parts and labor for one year from date of purchase as well as technical telephone assistance for one year. Software is also covered for 90 days from date of purchase.
Product Description :
The HP Pavilion dv4410us Notebook PC combines mobile performance with instant cinema. It combines innovative entertainment features with the latest computing technology. Hit the HP QuickPlay for instant access to movies, music and photos. The 80GB hard drive and DVD/CD optical drive let you view and store your favorite video while you travel. The 15.4" display serves as you window to the world. It even supports wireless remotes, to make it easy for you to kick back with movies, plays you music, or challenges you with action-packed games. The HP Pavilion in mobile digital entertainment, reinvented. Resolution - 1280 x 800 Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 900 - up to 128MB shared memory DVD+/-R/RW and CD-RW Combo Drive with Double Layer support 6-in-1 integrated Digital Media Reader - Supports SD cards, MMC, Memory Sticks, Memory Stick Pro, SmartMedia & xD Picture cards 1 ExpressCard/54 slot (also supports ExpressCard/34) External ports - 4 USB 2.0, 1 Expansion port 2 connector, 1 IEEE 1394 Firewire (4-pin), 1 Consumer IR, 1 headphone-out, 1 microphone-in S-Video out Integrated 10/100Base-T Ethernet LAN (RJ-45 connector) High speed 56K modem Wireless connectivity - 54g 802.11b/g WLAN with 125HSM & SpeedBooster support Internal Altec Lansing speakers Operating Systems - Windows XP Home with Service Pack 2 Dimensions(LxWxH) - 10.15 x 14.11 x 1.67 Weight - 6.5 lb.
Technical Details :
- Notebook PC with 15.4-inch screen and 1.6 GHz Intel Celeron M 380 processor, 400 MHz FSB, 1 MB L2 cache
- 80 GB hard drive, 512 MB of RAM (2 GB max), multi-format DVD/CD burner with dual-layer support
- Four USB 2.0, one FireWire, one VGA, one S-Video, one PCMCIA, one ExpressCard/54, microphone, headphone
- Built-in 10/100/ BASE-T Ethernet; 56K (V.90) modem, 54-Mbps wireless LAN (802.11b/g)
- Windows XP Home edition, SP2; HP Image Zone Plus
HP Pavilion HDX 16t Laptops Specs
HP Pavilion dv6-1152tx Laptops Review
HP Mini 110-3135dx "Mini Laptop Review"
HP Elitebook 8440p Laptop Offers