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From the UnofficialMicrosoft Blog

I’m amazed at the number of people who continue to discover Lookout - I figured at this point, everyone who uses Outlook would have found it in a blog or website they regularly read. It’s pretty common that new reviews or posts about Lookout end up comparing it to x1, FILEHand Search, or another tool. I’m not going to get into that again - I wrote a lengthy comparative review some time ago (do a search at Marc’s Outlook on Productivity if you want to read my reviews).

No, the reason I bring this up again is that I encountered a really interesting thought in a post about Lookout that showed up in RSS this morning from the Early Adopter blog:

It’s kind of funny that the top feature of many products (Lookout, Newsgator, etc.) is that they integrate into Outlook. This makes me wonder if Microsoft made a mistake when they went out of their way to make Internet Explorer the OS shell. I wonder, would the world have been better served if Outlook was the OS shell?

Hmmm… now that’s an alternate reality I hadn’t thought of before. How different would things be if Microsoft had gone this route?