Netgear Digital Entertainer Elite EVA9150

Helps in bridging PC and TV acts as a streaming and storage device and have storage facility too.
Helps in streaming digital contents including those are high definitions(videos,images, ...) to small from external/internal drives and internet which are bridged from computer to your high-definition TV and sound system.consist of two USB ports so we can stream content to other digital gadgets like mobile phones,USB flash drives, digital cameras and music players.
Once connected it automatically finds and arranges all the relevant files in has 500GB of storge space which can be used when necessary.the player works simultaneously with different operating systems, so we can stream content from Windows, Mac and Linux systems all at once.It can access media RSS feeds and play many online video files.It is 802.11a/b/g/n compatible.
Netgear EVA9150 Digital Entertainer Elite HD Medial Player with Wireless-N and 500GB HDD for $169.95 from online retailer Megabuy. For full product description and buying click here.
Netgear EVA9150 Digital Entertainer Elite HD Medial Player with Wireless-N and 500GB HDD for $169.95 from online retailer Megabuy. For full product description and buying click here.
Tags:Netgear Digital Entertainer Elite EVA9150,Digital Media Player Bridging PC and TV