At first glance, it is not a bad little machine. At least money is asked for. Packing 18.5-inch 16:9 LCD screen, the i91 offers Semperon 210U AMD processor, 1GB memory, 160GB hard drive, a 4-in-1 card reader, integrated camera and low power consumption. As easy as TV use too - just press the big 'on' switch and you are far away, hooked after their keyboard and mouse of course. Loading, and software. All this as the equivalent of 360 pounds in his native Taiwan too, comparable to the great desktop netbooks carry out rounds in the UK.
No, that is the iMac as the best-PC on the market. Lenovo Idea Center The A600 should be hitting the UK soon, although a little more cash, but with the looks and specifications, which can only dream about BenQ. We know where he could cash.