It seems that the more technology advances the more the designers have to push the boat out to satisfy our appetite for weird and wonderful gadgets and gizmos. If we take mobiles as an example, we only have to look at what was available a few years back to see how far we’ve come. Remember the brick?

In recent years we’ve seen the SmartPhone come into being, we can browse the Internet, send emails, check flights, book holidays, and even pay our bills. Mobile phones come in all sorts of sizes and colours with various distinguishing features that separate them from the rest and of course we have our favourites. So what could possibly be next?
Here we have a concept mobile by designer Andy Kurovets and you’ll either love it or hate it. The Bend Mobile has what you would expect a standard phone to have like a screen, a keypad and a camera. This one, however, goes way out there when it comes to design.