mass effect 3 screenshot |
Mass Effect 3 is the action and role playing mix that will be launched late this year in order to close down the BioWare developed science fiction trilogy and the initial reveal that BioWare has done at E3 points to another epic, dialogue filled adventure with more role playing aspects and higher stakes.
Casey Hudson, who is the executive producer working on the series, conducted the presentation ofMass Effect 3 at the 2011 E3 Electronic Arts stand and showed off three pieces from the game, showing off how the fights will work, a snippet of a mid game quest and the opening stages of the game.The development team has taken into account feedback received after Mass Effect 2 and has added to the combat options, putting more of an emphasis on stealth for those who like to creep around unseen and including a new powerful close quarter weapon, the Omniblade, which is described as being a holographic switchblade, very efficient at slicing enemies.The focus of Mass Effect 3 will be on finding the force needed to stop the Reapers and their invasion of Earth and Commander Shepard will have to mediate between the races of the universe in order to do this and it seems that one quest might actually involve somehow eliminating the effects of the infertility plague placed on the Krogan.Footage of an initial game sequence set on Earth just as it is attacked showed off the enhanced capabilities of the graphics engine and introduced fans to a new female companion that has not been seen before and has not been named.Hudson also showed off a little of the role playing aspects, revealing that weapon modding is back and that players will not only have to choose abilities but also how to develop them once they are equipped.The BioWare team working on the game says players will have the freedom to craft their own narrative of the Reaper – Human conflict and that decisions can lead to wildly different outcomes for the game and the personal destiny for Shepard.