Cpx24.com CPM Program

X1 5.0 Beta Available for Download

Dear X1 fans, testers, customers, ranters, and ravers,

Wow! What a great time to be making desktop search products, eh? We've been very busy people. We've completed an alpha program--with a small group of maniacal testers--of our next major release (version 5.0, to make it simple; build 1383, to be specific), which means this is the best first beta release we've ever released--for those of you who remember our previous first beta releases and have recuperated sufficiently to jump back in.

Here's the link to download the latest and greatest: http://www.x1.com/cs/x11383.exe. You can also (always) go to our forums (http://forums.x1.com) to get it, see what people are saying about it, and read the complete release notes. If you look below the standard email footer, you can see a pretty exhaustive list of new features and changes to the product.

Two warnings: 1) this is beta and beta stands for broken; and 2) you'll need to reindex. If you're on this list, it's because you asked to be...but don't jump in unless you're willing to see some crashes or other rough edges...and do some indexing. You will need to index from scratch to upgrade and you'll need to do it again to downgrade...

That said, the improvements are extraordinary: the All tab, a more standard Windows-y interface, multi-threadedness, Outlook integration, Thunderbird support. It's so much more polite when indexing, so much easier to use...but those are judgments for you to make... Please give it a try and send us your feedback.

Thanks for using X1.

Mark Goodstein

Formerly chief cook and bottle washer, now Founder and EVP, Business Development
