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You Might Be An IE User...

From Dvorak Uncensored: Who uses IE?? He's compiling a list of "You may be an IE user if..." jokes. Examples:

  • If someone tells you to go to "www.whatever.com" so you go to Google and search for it, you are probably an IE user.
  • If someone tells you you need a firewall and so you go to the store and buy Norton firewall in a box for $70, you might just possibly be an IE user.
  • When you get a popup ad showing a Windows-like warning and you think it is a Windows warning box, you might be an IE user.
  • If you web browser has 8 search bars and you don't even know how they got there, you might be an IE user.
  • If you get pop-up ads and you aren't even using the Internet, you just might possibly be an IE user.

Apologies in advance to the 83% of my readers who are using Internet Explorer.