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10 easy no-cost Ways to Generate Site Traffic

Turn your site into a visitor magnet and attract swarms of qualified traffic with our top 10 free traffic generation tactics.

No matter how cool your site or how fabulous your product, you're not going to generate enough sales to make your business viable unless you can generate traffic. You have to get the word out about your site and give people a reason to visit it, or else you'll go the way of the dinosaur.

The good news is, there are lots of ways to effectively advertise your site online and drive tons of qualified traffic to your site, all for free! And by qualified, I mean people who belong to your target market and who are most likely to buy the products or services you offer. These are the people you want coming to your site.

In order to maximize your site's exposure, it's best to use a combination of the tactics listed above. For example, if you're sending out an e-mail promotion, you may want to include a "tell a friend" option in the e-mail so the people on your mailing list will send the promotion to others. If you have an affiliate program, you should ask your affiliates to post your articles and product reviews on their sites in order to help you build a reputation for yourself as an industry expert.

Remember: When it comes to online marketing, there are three words you need to keep in mind: location, location, location. Your site has to be mentioned often in places where your niche market hangs out if you want your site to be seen by as many potential customers as possible.

10 No-Cost Ways to Generate Site Traffic